General Academic Questions (普通学术面试) Personality Questions for Cambridge How would you cope if you weren’t getting top grades if you were studying here? Who has had the greatest effect on you? What makes you want to come here given that you would certainly be a top student at any other university? What are your top three skills? What is your main weakness? What separates you from a good student and makes you excellent? What did you struggle with at A Level? You can invite anyone from history to dinner. Who do you choose and why? Do you speak another language? Who was your favourite teacher at school? Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? Where do you see yourself in 30 years’ time? What have you done in the past that makes you think that you are well equipped to deal with the stresses of university life at Cambridge? How are you going to cope with the workload here? How well do you respond to criticism? How do you deal with difficult or stressful situations? Do you work well under intense pressure? Teamwork & Communication Questions for Cambridge Tell me about your experience of group working. Are you a leader or a follower? How do you resolve conflicts? Tell me about a time you led others to success. Tell me how you would define a good leader. The Course & University of Cambridge Why Cambridge? What do you know about our course structure? Why not Oxford? Why this college? What are you looking forward to the least at this college? Problem Solving Approach Why are manholes round? If you were a grapefruit, would you rather be seedless or non-seedless? Define success in one sentence. Describe a human to a person from Mars. How many times in a day do the hands on a clock overlap? Why do humans lie? How would you weigh all the blood in a human body? Draw a cross section of a bicycle wheel. How many petrol stations are there in England? Should you be allowed to use your smartphone during this interview? How many piano tuners are there in England If you could have dinner with anybody from history, who would it be and why? If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why? How many planes are flying over England right now? Why don’t we just have one ear in the middle of our face? How many tennis balls could fit into a Boeing 747 plane? Imagine that a developing country introduces a new population control policy to address a perceived gender imbalance. If a couple have a girl, they may have another child. If they have a boy, they cannot have any more children. What will be the new ratio of boys and girls? How would you describe a human to a person from Mars? What is a tree? How many people believe in evolution in the United States? Describe a potato and then compare it to an onion. Why do things have names? Would you ever go on a one way trip to Mars? Why? You are given 7 identical balls and another ball that looks the same as the others but is heavier than them. You can use a balance only two times. How would you identify which is the heavy ball? You are shrunk down so you’re the size of a matchstick and then put into a blender with metal blades. It is about to be turned on what do you do? General Science Questions for Cambridge How could you simulate altitude? How could you weigh your own head? If you are in a boat, and decide to throw an object in the boat out into the lake, what happens to the water level? Design an experiment to disprove the existence of God. Would you be drier if you chose to run or to walk in the rain? When is Newtonian law wrong? How does a clinical trial work?
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